SABO lifts conversions and revenue over 6% with Render Better
How SABO lifted conversion rates and revenue over 6% right in time for the holidays
  • Conversion rate improved by 6.78%
  • Revenue per session improved by 6.94%
  • Site Speed improved by 1.4 seconds
  • Conversion rate improved by 6.78%
  • Revenue per session improved by 6.94%
  • Site Speed improved by 1.4 seconds

SABO is a fashion empire originating from Australia founded by sisters-in-law Thessy Batsinilas and Yiota Kouzoukas. Started as a simple blog covering fashion, it has since evolved into a top online store and globally known label for its Mediterranean-inspired prints and unique feminine flair. SABO curates a collection of clothing, shoes, swimwear, sleepwear and formal wear all designed and exclusively sold through SABO.

The Challenge

A top global online presence requires top site performance. SABO’s site speed was being measured from real users at a slow 3.4 seconds. As a result, conversion rate was being held back by poor site speed. Timing couldn’t have mattered more: it was right before Q4 holiday sales and they needed a faster site, fast. Heavy high resolution images and videos across the site were contributing to performance issues. Additionally, many third party scripts were running on the site, loading all at the same time. Compounding challenges, SABO had multiple websites for different global markets that all needed to be optimized.

The Solution

Render Better worked quickly with SABO to set up a staging website where SABO could test the benefits of Render Better’s optimization platform. Immediately, it was clear through testing tools that Render Better helped images load faster, and third party scripts were being wrangled so content of the website could be prioritized. Render Better successfully optimized SABO’s websites just in time for the holidays, bringing site loading times down.

The Results

Since implementing Render Better, SABO has had quantifiable improvements in site performance, conversion rate, and revenue. Render Better’s latest A/B testing found optimizations lifted conversion rate by 6.78% and revenue per session by 6.94%.

The below chart from real SABO users illustrates this impact plainly: sessions having faster loading times with Render Better (blue bars) have higher conversion rates (green line), compared to unoptimized sessions (red bars).

Sessions with Render Better (blue bars) load faster and have higher conversion rates (green line)

Thanks to Render Better’s optimization platform and quick setup, site speed was a problem of the past for SABO, giving them a significant online store revenue boost during Q4.

About Render Better

Render Better automatically reduces site speed, allowing shoppers to browse and checkout faster, resulting in a better user experience and increased sales.

Book a free 30-min call with one of our experts to assess your web performance and see how Render Better can start improving your site today.

Optimized Performance =
Happier Customers
Improving your Core Web Vitals is as simple as having us install Render Better today.
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